Altenpflegeeinrichtung Hixson Gardens


Über die Altenpflegeeinrichtung Hixson Gardens

Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility is located just 16 kilometres south-west of Sydney CBD, Bankstown is a vibrant and culturally diverse suburb in Australia. With over 60 different languages spoken by its residents, Bankstown offers a truly multicultural experience.

Nestled near the Bankstown City Gardens and commercial precinct, you’ll find Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility. Situated at 1 Hixson Street in Bankstown, this facility is easily accessible by car or public transport, with a bus stop conveniently located just 60 meters from the reception.

At Hixson Gardens, we provide both permanent and respite care in a warm and peaceful environment. Our quiet gardens offer a serene space for reflection, meditation, or simply revitalising your spirit.

As a dedicated aged care provider, Arete Health Care is committed to patient-centered care. Our knowledgeable staff take the time to understand each resident’s unique needs, behaviours, and preferences. With a diverse team of professionals, we pride ourselves on delivering top-quality clinical and holistic support in a respectful and dignified manner.

At Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility, residents receive assistance with dressing, personal hygiene, exercise, and dining. Our goal is to provide exceptional support for the mind, body, and soul of every resident. With Arete Health Care, you can expect nothing less than the highest standards of care and a warm, enriching experience.

Discover the genuine warmth and quality of the Arete experience. Come join us and enjoy all that life has to offer.

Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility, Bankstown | Arete Health Care

Vordereingang und Gärten

Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility, Bankstown | Arete Health Care


Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility, Bankstown | Arete Health Care

Rezeption vorn

Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility, Bankstown | Arete Health Care

Indoor-Freizeitbereich | Aufenthaltsraum und Fernsehraum

Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility, Bankstown | Arete Health Care

Farbige Korridore

Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility, Bankstown | Arete Health Care

Wintergarten und Loungebereich auf Ebene 2


Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility, Bankstown | Arete Health Care


Hixson Gardens Aged Care Facility, Bankstown | Arete Health Care



Die Pflegekosten können ein entscheidender Faktor bei der Auswahl einer geeigneten Einrichtung für Ihr Familienmitglied sein.

Zu den Gebühren im Hixson Gardens gehören je nach ausgewählter Unterkunft:

Einzelzimmer mit eigenem Bad
$125.67pro Tag
  • Single Room with ensuite has a minimum Refundable Accommodation Deposit of $550,000 or a minimum Daily Accommodation Payment of $125.67.
Nur Einzelzimmer
$114.25pro Tag
  • Single Room only has a minimum Refundable Accommodation Deposit of $500,000 or a minimum Daily Accommodation Payment of $114.25.
Nur Mehrbettzimmer
$79.97pro Tag
  • Shared Room Only has a minimum Refundable Accommodation Deposit of $350,000 or a minimum Daily Accommodation Payment of $79.97

Bei der rückzahlbaren Anzahlung für die Unterkunft/Tageszahlung für die Unterkunft wird ein Beitrag von $56,87 zur Grundgebühr für die tägliche Pflege erhoben.

Die Regierung ermittelt Ihr Einkommen und informiert Sie über Ihre Subventionsansprüche und den Restbetrag der gegebenenfalls zu zahlenden Gebühren.

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